Penelope Penelope

  • commented on Contact Us 2023-11-14 11:01:20 -0500

    The gender pay gap continues to persist in many industries, and it can be disheartening to realize that you’re being undervalued and underpaid.

    However, instead of feeling defeated, there are proactive steps women can take to address this inequality head-on. I’m hoping to write a guest blog post for your website that lays out what they can do if they find out a male colleague is being paid more than them, including strategies for negotiating a fair salary, gathering evidence to support their case, and seeking support from colleagues and advocates for equal pay.

    Would you be up for sharing a guest blog post on this topic with your site visitors?

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Penelope Owen

    P.S. If you’re interested in content from me – but on a different topic – please respond to let me know and we’ll figure out a better option. If you don’t like further emails from me, I totally understand! Just let me know.

    Questions? Comments? Let us know:

    Are you interested in learning more about our chapter? Thinking about making the switch to the nonprofit sector and unsure where to start? Drop us a line and we'll follow-up with you as soon as possible!

    You can also reach us directly at [email protected].

    Looking for our mailing address? It is:

    YNPN Triangle NC
    PO Box 732
    Morrisville, NC 27560
    Send feedback
